
Maxim Rudnev

Frontend Javascript Developer

Contact info

About me

I have some experience in negotiation in industrial insurance field, B2B sales, data base filling. And most of my experience is based on automotive industry - spare parts and car repair.

But all of that is not my destiny. I want something bigger, something more interesting, creative that will makes me growth as person and professional in incredible field of technology.

Few years ago I begun to do my first steps in IT and start studying on some courses C# . It was looks like the man, who can't swim, falls in sharks pool. But it was fun and interesting with some new experience I dream about. One or two years later I decided to continue that pass of IT warrior and went to Frontend JavaScript course. Between C# and JS I also tried do self education, but biggest weakness of that idea - bad studying plan and learning structure without mentoring.

Code examples

Implement a combineArrays function that takes 2 arrays of numbers (first and second) and returns an array of numbers where N[i] is the sum of the numbers first[i] and second [i].

                  function combineArrays(first, second) {
                    let arrN = [];
                    for (let i = 0 ; i <first.length ; i++) {
                      let n = first[i] + second[i];
                  return arrN;

No IT work experience...yet ;)


Kyiv National Economic University of Vadym Hetman (KNEU)
Personnel managment (Human resourses) and Labor economics masters degree


Pre-Intermediate (A2)
For now refreshing my knowledge in Duolingo


  • AmCham lectures in field of HR
  • C# basics
  • Frontend: HTML & CSS, JavaScript